Upcoming NFT project Akyllers

Upcoming NFT project Akyllers


Everything you need to know about Akyllers

Whitelist Raffle: https://lxyac75nth6.typeform.com/to/fQrsNMP6

Build our Software


Akyllers is a community of entrepreneurs, creators and thinkers building a new educational solution in Web3. Our vision is simple yet very challenging.

1. We started of by creating a team of experienced builders. We will add advisors along the way

2. We started building the community back in 2019 on Instagram, LinkedIn, and TikTok.

3. We are working with an established painter to create the art and the brand to give real value to our NFTs [Collectibles].

4. We built a Proof of Concept with www.akyllers.school which we will be scaling post mint.

5. We completed our full due diligence and legal work to be investor ready.

6. We are enjoying the ride.

Thats how we are doing it.


As we have built our community, brand and value proposition, we will start by allocating resources to create more content and market our courses to users. Holders will get them for free. So just imagine someone wanting to buy a course on how to develop smart contracts, and then buy another course on how to trade crypto. He could still opt to buy the AKYLLERS NFT and get them as a complementary service. This means that the value of our NFT is further correlated to the price of courses we will be selling. Part 1 of our Floor price strategy.


As the team is focused on creating more content and creating more and more value as well as marketing our courses, we will focus on building our Software. This is an Augmented Reality app [Imagine Pokemon Go for gamified Education]. Details to follow.



We believe that the world is going through a paradigm change in the work work is being done. The working environment is shifting rapidly leaving a lot of people sidelined. Akyllers is a community of builders and creators shaping the way we learn new skills in a fun way and work differently than we used to. Canada has allocated more than 30 Billion Dollars to Andragogy [Teaching Adults new skills]. for a reason; Life is no longer Binary when it comes to education; You don’t learn and then work, you work and learn in parallel.

Definition of Andragogy.

Life is no longer binary when it comes to education, you no longer learn and then work, you learn and work simultaneously; It’s a Waltz.



After completing NFA and DYOR which is something we encourage even in the Whitelist Raffle allocation, we urge you to do more research.

We are offering Akyllers Holders 3 main things:

An access to an exclusive brand that we believe holds a lot of commercializable IP.

An access to a Free continuous Learning Experience that holds value far beyond the Mint Price

A revolutionary staking system, we call “Brumating”.

The Whitepaper is available on:
Medium: https://medium.com/@akyllers/akyllers-manifesto-a62b60f7cb88
Minted on Mirror: https://mirror.xyz/akyllers.eth
Website: https://www.akyllers.com/roadmap

Our socials:
Website is https://akyllers.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/akyllers
Discord: https://discord.gg/GTDCnC8KM3

Whitelist Raffle: https://lxyac75nth6.typeform.com/to/fQrsNMP6

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