Azuki Community Resource List created by Nader

Azuki Community Resource List created by Nader

Azuki Community Resource List 

This list is built for the Azuki community to better educate and onboard people into the space. Submit a PR if there is something you would like to add or change.

Feel free to tweet at @0xNader on Twitter for any questions 🫘

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Table of Contents

General Crypto

Foundational knowledge on what Ethereum is and how it works.


Beginner material on how to store your crypto and NFTs.

NFT Basics

Introduction information for Non-fugible tokens (NFTs).

NFT Advanced

Denser material on NFTs.

Crypto Media

Crypto native media that creates great content.

Layer 2

Layer 2 is the future of scaling Ethereum. This section covers what they are and why they are important.

Stats Websites

Great websites that provided detailed information about what is happening in crypto.

Advanced Stats

Recommended Books

While not all directly crypto related, these books will give a strong foundation to help understand what is happening in crypto today.

Educators on Twitter

A short list of people to follow on Twitter to learn more from.

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