A lot of people don't understand where things are going This is nuanced convo... this meta is of cash grab AI art projects - but this doesn't mean AI art is a scam.. they This is nuanced convo... this meta is of cash grab AI art projects - but this doesn't mean AI art is a scam.. they are just relying on people not understanding how easy it is to get cash out of you.. This doesn't mean AI art is easy or doesn't deserve to be sold.are just relying on people not understanding how easy it is to get cash out of you.. This doesn't mean AI art is easy or doesn't deserve to be sold.with AI art. There's a lot of crediting and ownership issues that need to be solved. Even for a small mint price, these projects would make thousands of dollars and will 100% leave you in the dust and keep doing this
This is nuanced convo... this meta is of cash grab AI art projects - but this doesn't mean AI art is a scam.. they are just relying on people not understanding how easy it is to get cash out of you.. This doesn't mean AI art is easy or doesn't deserve to be sold.
Just means that over time - AI art will get so good that the judging criteria of its worth in a society will move from pure aesthetics to creativity (prompt creativity/remixing/merging of tools)
And this is why I specifically said garbage mint meta... not scam mints - because YOU as someone who is trading NFTs and buying art need to be educated on the fact that it is now incredibly easy to spin up gen art projects that look like high quality works but in reality -
these types of projects in particular - Are just a mix of a few sentences, maybe a few images for inspiration, a whole lot of clicking "variations" and "upscales" and in maybe a day of work you have an entire project ready to go and suck liquidity out of you
Next time you come across a project like these - ask the following questions. 1 - What AI tools were used to generate this? 2 - What was the prompt? Is the team willing to share the prompt publicly? 3 - What were the source images of inspiration that was remixed if any?
4 - Is there a mix of tools? Any actual human input to enhance the art on photoshop? 5 - If you go on the MidJourney discord, will you find an extremely similar post from someone else that was reran?